‘aamra’ – launches official operations in Khulna. To celebrate this event, a launching ceremony was hosted at Khulna Club Limited on 13 January 2020. The Chief Guest of this grand ceremony of Honorable Mayor of Khulna City Corporation Talukder Abdul Khaleque. Honorable Mayor in his speech said – “Khulna has become a major business destination. We welcome aamra’s arrival in Khulna and hope aamra’s example shall encourage other national and international brands to launch their operation in this region”.
Mr. Syed Farhad Ahmed, Managing Director of aamra said in his keynote – “With the erection of Padma bridge, greater Khulna region shall become one of the fastest growing economic regions of Bangladesh. aamra aims to collaborate to the digital evolution of this region”.
aamra displayed its leading technology and innovations in this event in front of the business leaders and dignitaries of greater Khulna region. The key attraction of this event was the demonstration of collaborative robot for the first time in Bangladesh. Among the attendees were Khulna Naval Zone Commander Rear Admiral Mohammad Musa, DIG of Khulna Range Dr. Kh. Mahid Uddin BPM (BAR) Bangladesh Police and senior management of aamra.