On October 26, 2016, aamra resources limited received three prestigious awards from Ngai Shing Development Ltd, world’s leading garment machineries manufacturing company. Syed Farhad Ahmed, Managing Director of aamra companies was recognized as the “Best Agent in Asia for excellent business contribution & promote the brand image” in the last 12 years in Asia. The company also awarded
Mr. Sohel Ahmed, Chief Operating Officer of aamra resources limited as the “Best Leadership in Asia for excellent business contribution & promote the brand image”
Mr. Tasriqul Alam Sohel , Assistant General Manager of aamra resources limited as the “Best & Excellent effort since 12 years on marketing , sales, service support and business contribution”
Mr. Sohel Ahmed received the awards on behalf of aamra family. Muhammad Emdad Ullah, Deputy General Manager, aamra resources limited, Mr. Tasriqul Alam Sohel, Assistant General Manager, aamra resources limited, and other officials were also present at the ceremony.